Sunday, April 3, 2011

A request of HOPE!

So when meeting with the director a few days ago I was advised to invite a few friends for a class. The first thought that ran though my head was when. After asking her she replied Monday the 4th I wasn’t excited about this because I knew that was only 6 days away. My thoughts were it would take 2 days just to get everyone address and 1 to make out the invites and another day to get to them via mail. Nervous I looked through the list of friends for days each one giving me a reason why they couldn’t make the date that was only days away but I quickly replied back with a second date I had chosen and asked them to save that date and that the invites will be going out. I took a day putting together the best invite I have ever made and signed each one with a special note. With hopes of a miracle I prayed that night that half would show at least... See next post Titled Head Count for the rest of the Story (NO) TESTAMONY